Hello Imbiber’s,
We are back again and today we
have something very interesting on how trading is simplified over the years
through use of technology.
Traditionally dealing in shares
was used to be through share certificates in which the seller used to sign at
the back of the share certificates and give it to the buyer. The Share certificates
have the name of the company its face value and No of shares mentioned over the
share certificates and then there are some other details too. We have attached
a picture to show you’ll how share certificates used to look like.
Infosys Share Certificate - Source: Google Images |
Today all these share
certificates are first De-materialised (DEMAT) which means these are converted
to electronic form for easy transmission from one party (Buyer) to another
party (Seller) through a depository participant (NSDL or CDSL).
In this modern era where we start
our day with applications like Whatsapp, Facebook & Instagram, the investments
and trading platforms too have developed over the years. We have Internet and
Mobile based trading platforms which helps us to deal with ease in capital
markets or in buying and selling of shares, debts, currencies etc.
So what’s Internet Trading? It’s
simple, a trading platform provided by brokers to their traders or investors
who can place the buy and sell order at a market price or limit the order at a
specified price (limit Orders) over internet-based proprietary trading
platforms through a computer.
The Investors or Traders are given
a unique Trading id (like the way we have a login id for Gmail) and a password
to login into the different platforms like I-Trading or Mobile Trading platform
and then place their order. Today we don’t have to call our brokers, advisors
or relationship managers to trade on our behalf and we can monitor our trades any-time from anywhere in the world.
So what’s Mobile Trading? Very
similar to internet trading whereas it’s a mobile based application developed
to carry out dealing/trading activities over internet through use of smart phones. Most of the basic activities which can be
carried out over Internet Trading via computers can also be done over smart phones
through M-Trading (Mobile Trading) such as placing orders, modifying orders,
cancelling orders and a lot more.
You would require a high speed
internet to get accurate prices/quotes for shares and to place orders via
Mobile or Internet Trading platforms.
Many brokers have videos over
their websites to show how their I-Trading and M-Trading platforms can be used
to place orders since every broker has its own application developed in-house and
the look and feel is different from other brokerage house trading applications.
Do you have any questions on this
do let us know and we will get back to you at our earliest.
Stay Invested,
Imbibe Investments
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